1.2 Growth Mindset

Can you imagine giving your students grades that are not based on their test scores, but rather on their potential? Watch this intriguing video, in which Carol Dweck compels us to consider the"Power of Yet"

(This video is 11 minutes)

This extremely enlightening video by Carol Dweck suggests that we can and should inspire our students to achieve beyond their own perceptions of how "smart" they are. Dweck's Growth Mindset is a simple, but powerful idea that we are more than measured intelligence. With persistence, determination and resiliency, we can be successful at whatever we set our minds to do.


Take her mindset test and see where you fall on the mindset continuum (you'll add this to your reflection later).

One of the most important things she helps us to understand is that, "There is no relation between students' abilities or intelligence and the development of mastery-oriented qualities." (Education World, n.d.). Learn more about her extraordinary work in the field of psychology by carefully reviewing the materials listed below. You'll use these materials to craft your reflection.


How Can Teachers Develop Students' Motivation and Success? (Hopkins, G, n.d.)

Dweck's Mindset (read through the first 4 pages, from "Mindset" to "What does this mean to me?")

Peruse Edutopia's extensive list of materials on Growth Mindset and select a few items that pique your interest.

After you have reviewed, read and engaged with the artifacts on this page, move onto 1.3 Technology Evolution.