5.2 Video Examples

The following are some video examples. I chose not to embed the storyboards to save space on the page but examples can be viewed here.

Summarizing Information

This video was based on Disrupting Class and was inspired by RSA Animate video on Ken Robinson's TED talk.

Book Trailers

Similar to movie trailers, book trailers are designed to hook someone into wanting to read a book. "But you don't take my word for it,"


Public service announcements (PSAs) are so much a part of our culture that they have spurred a strong of parodies. Teachers can also create them to introduce an issue and hook students into the topic


This video contains international students perceptions regarding body image. It is a good example of how video can be used to bring together several different points of view.

Emotional Historical Essay

This video focused on internment camps in the United States during WWII. As a former social studies teacher I particularly like how this video uses primary resources to tell a story and uses media and music in a way that helps the viewer connect with the content. It is also interesting because it doesn't contain any voice narration but it clearly shows that the student understood the topic.

Journal Reflection

This video was created by a special education preservice teacher who wanted to tell a story about Alex--a person with Down Syndrome.

Original Story

I taught a class to elementary education majors where we would create digital stories. Typically they would include pictures that they created or found online. This student actually made clay models and photographed them. She then told the story and added background music. Notice how the background music changes depending on the mood in the video.

Move onto 5.3 when you have completed this section.