10.2 Curating Resources

Go-To Resources

We all have our own go-to resources to stay on top of our profession. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming because our inboxes fill up so fast that it is hard to week through and choose which to read and which to delete. I have found that it's best to look to my colleagues for recommendations on sources.


In this section, you will post one go-to resource that you have vetted and believe is worthy of your recommendation. The goal is to allow us to build a bank of resources that we can trust and deem worth our time to read.

Your go-to resource may be any number of things. For example, you may choose to post a Twitter handle, blog, website, podcast, radio or TV show, or etc. Whatever type it may be, please make sure you've vetted it and given it an A+ , that is something you'd highly recommend to others! Add your resource to the last tab -- Go-To Resources -- in our Virtual Toolbox.

Due May 14, 2017, 11:59 pm

Virtual ToolBox

When you are done here, move onto 10. 3.