8.4 Affordances & Constraints


Using Computational Thinking processes as your guide, evaluate the affordances and constraints of using Scratch-visual programming language for teaching or learning.

Additionally, refer to the 6 guiding questions to asses the Affordances & Constraints:

  1. What is the learning objective and how will this tool/app/resource allow us to reach it?
  2. Will this tool/app/resource allow us to achieve efficiency, effectiveness and engagement?
  3. What are the privacy and terms of service that may impact our use of this tool/app/resource?
  4. What are the technological, costs and systems requirements?
  5. Is there a steep learning curve in order to use this tool/app/resource?
  6. How does this tool/app/resource enable us to achieve higher order thinking and sustainable practice


  • Share this Journal with me using this form by the April 30, 2017, 11:59 pm.
  • Add a coding tool or resource to our Virtual Toolbox (select Coding). Due: April 30, 2017, 11:59 pm.
Virtual ToolBox

When you have completed the tasks for this module, move onto Mod 9.0.