Mod 3: ISTE & Audio


In this module, you will dive into the ISTE 2016 Standards for Students and examine how they are applied in the classroom. You will also explore the differences between Podcasts and Audio Communications and get some hands-on experience using an audio communications tool. Explore each of the links and the content within!


Below, is a summary of the tasks associated with this module and its 4 sub pages. Go through each of the module sub pages to accomplish these tasks. Use this page as a way to reflect on whether you accomplished each of the required tasks:


Your first task will be to post a brief reflection to VoiceThread of the ISTE 2016 Standards for Students. Due: March 19, 2017, 11:59 pm. You'll also listen to and make connections to your colleague's postings as you feel compelled.

Next, you will explore and assess audio podcast and communication tools using your Affordances & Constraints Reflection Journal. Due: March 19, 2017, 11:59 pm.


Explore, evaluate and post to our class Virtual Toolbox about an audio podcast or communications tool, app or resources. Due: March 19, 2017, 11:59 pm.

Look Ahead

Once you have completed this module, you may begin Mod 4: Video & Screencasting