4.4 Affordances & Constraints


Now it is time to use your experiences and explorations of video lectures and critically evaluate the affordances and constraints. Draw on your own assessment of the benefits of using video lectures for your own growth and learning, as well as that of your students. Use the SAMR or ISTE 2016 Standards for Students as a lens to consider how you might be able to implement video lectures for learning and also for student demonstration learning.

Additionally, refer to the 6 guiding questions to asses the Affordances & Constraints:

  1. What is the learning objective and how will this tool/app/resource allow us to reach it?
  2. Will this tool/app/resource allow us to achieve efficiency, effectiveness and engagement?
  3. What are the privacy and terms of service that may impact our use of this tool/app/resource?
  4. What are the technological, costs and systems requirements?
  5. Is there a steep learning curve in order to use this tool/app/resource?
  6. How does this tool/app/resource enable us to achieve higher order thinking and sustainable practice, and SAMR or ISTE 2016 Standards for Students?


  • Complete the second Affordances & Constraints Reflection Journal - Video Lectures.
  • Share this Journal with me using the form (to the right) by the due date, March 26, 2017, 11:59 pm
  • Add a video capturing/screencasting tool or resource to our Virtual Toolbox (select the Video tab). Due: March 26, 2017, 11:59 pm
Virtual ToolBox