2.4 Affordances & Constraints

Just watch the first 1:30 minutes of this (silly) video. It underscores how technology has its limitations...when used for the wrong reasons!

One of our important tasks as tech integrators is to think through all the pros (affordances) and cons (constraints) of a given tool/app/resource. We can do this by developing a mindset to consider affordances and constraints.

Affordances can be defined as attributes associated with technology that enhance teaching or learning, and which create "possibilities for agentic action" (Hutchby, 2001, p. 444).

Constraints, on the other hand, limit affordances. Friedhoff (2008), asserts that teachers "...must perpetually examine how technology selection facilitates and constrains the intended learning outcomes..." (p. 117).


I created this 6-minute video for you as an overview of Friedhoff's article that forms an important part of our critical analysis concerning affordances and constraints as well as a how-to use guide for the Affordances & Constraints Reflection Journal that you will be using throughout the course. Please watch it before moving on.


Take your time reading the short, six-page article (posted below) by Freidhoff (2008). He describes a 3-step process for assessing the affordances and constraints of technology. You will use this practice each time you work in your Affordances & Constraints Reflection Journal.

The article provides an excellent example of one teacher's thinking process as he evaluated whether to use discussion boards or blogs for his students' reflective writing and it illuminates why he chose blogs:

Reflecting on Affordances and Constraints and Their Impact on Pedagogical Practices (Freidhoff, 2008)


To assess affordances and constraints, you will need to critically evaluate the tool, app or resource you are considering against a number of qualities. Below are 6 guiding questions you can use as you apply your skills and knowledge to asses the Affordances & Constraints:

  1. What is the learning objective and how will this tool/app/resource allow us to reach it? Note: This is the first-step in Freidhoff's process, "Identifying Technology Pertinent Principles"
  2. Will this tool/app/resource allow us to achieve efficiency, effectiveness and engagement? Professor David Merrill uses the 3Es to determine affordances and constraints. The 3Es are similar to Freidhoff's second step, "Evaluating Potential Technologies"
  3. What are the privacy and terms of service that may impact our use of this tool/app/resource?
  4. What are the technological, costs and systems requirements?
  5. Is there a steep learning curve in order to use this tool/app/resource?
  6. How does this tool/app/resource enable us to achieve higher order thinking and sustainable practice? This step is similar to Freidhoff's step three, "Assessing Technology Implementation"

You will have the opportunity to practice developing this mindset when you complete the Affordances & Constraints Reflection Journal. There will be six opportunities to use this journal. The first one concerns Virtual Bulletin Boards.

For this Module 2, you will practice evaluating the virtual bulletin board tool, Padlet (the tool we used to share our SAMR Lesson Resign):

  1. Complete the first Affordances & Constraints Reflection Journal for Virtual Bulletin Boards - PADLET. Use this form to share this Journal with me by the March 12, 2017, 11:59 pm.
  2. As part of the Journal, you will be adding a tool, app or resource that you have curated and vetted to the Virtual ToolBox (see form below). Each time you complete the Journal, you will curate and vet a tool. Make sure you are selecting the appropriate tab -- you'll see the tabs at the bottom of the ToolBox form. For your first tool, you will be curating a Virtual Bulletin Board tool, app or resource. You will rely on your expertise to vet the tool for its usefulness for teaching and learning, and its COPPA and FERPA compliance. Due: March 12, 2017, 11:59 pm
Virtual ToolBox

When you have completed this module, move onto Mod 3.