Mod 10: New Tech Horizons


Congratulations! You have reached the end of the course! In this module, we will review artifacts to help us keep abreast of emerging trends in technologies for education. We will curate our own and add them to our Virtual Toolbox. We will circle back to the beginning of the course to reflect on our mindsets now compared to then and we will complete a final course reflection.


Below, is a summary of the tasks associated with this module and its 4 sub pages. Go through each of the module sub pages to accomplish the tasks. Use this page as a way to reflect on whether you accomplished each of the required tasks:


You will curate one go-to-resource for staying ahead of tech trends and share this in our Virtual Toolbox. Due: May 14, 2017, 11:59 pm


You will reflect on your mindset and review where you are now compared to where you were when you began this course. Due: May 14, 2017, 11:59 pm

You will also complete a final course reflection. Due: May 14, 2017, 11:59 pm


CELEBRATE! You made it to the end of this course! Job well done!

When you are ready, move onto Mod 10.1.