Mod 2: SAMR and Virtual Bulletinboards


For this module, you will be exploring and engaging in materials about the SAMR Model and COPPA and FERPA regulations. You will also curate and evaluate a virtual bulletin board tool, app or resource. Explore each of the links and the content within!


Below, is a summary of the tasks associated with this module and its 4 sub pages. Go through each of the module sub pages to accomplish these tasks. Use this page as a way to reflect on whether you accomplished each of the required tasks:


Your first task is to apply what you have learned about SAMR and Redesign a Lesson. Due March 12, 2017, 11:59 pm.


You will respond to at least one colleague concerning her SAMR posting in Padlet. Due: March 14, 2017, 11:59 pm.


After you have completed the SAMR Lesson Redesign, you will apply your knowledge concerning affordances and constraints to evaluate the virtual bulletin board tool we used to post our lesson in -- Padlet. Due March 12, 2017, 11:59 pm.

You will also curate and post to our class Virtual Toolbox about a virtual bulletin board tool, app or resource that you have vetted.

Look Ahead

When you have completed this module, you may begin Module 3: ISTE & Audio.