
MoBlaze Indicator

I have plans to upgrade to a custom winglet mirror and which means you will lose the OEM indicator. So, went with Motogadget's MoBlaze Indicator. They are homologated but still will not meet local code requirements.

The OEM balancers were tiny and paint was coming off anyways. Did't feel any weight or handling difference.

Started with left. Marked a hole near the left controls wire outlet. Avoid the end plates of the controls.

Drilled a 2.5mm hole and inserted lock wire for pulling cables.

Success on first attempt.

Did a short heat shring first instead of full length. Both shrink and cables were soft.

Ensure heat shrink partially enters the drill hole to protect the cables.

Should look like this. The cables can come out at the same spot as the OEM wires. Enjoy your time with cable times for neatness.

Now on right. Broke my 2.5mm drill bit. Hence the scars when trying to drill with broken bit.

I did not want to cut the oem wires for the plug.

Purchased a OEM copy connector and cable jointer from Aliexprees.

H style cable jointers - 5 pcs was $2+

Signal wire - 1 pair was $3+

Heads are similar shape. Marginal dimension difference. Plugs in with some coaxing.

Finished product.

Its pretty bright for something small. Lights the ground as well.

Installed a headlight protector as well.