
How to Study for Finals 

By: Merrick Vargas 

22 May 2024

Finals can be a very hard time for students. It can be a stressful time due to how much these finals impact students’ overall grades for their classes, which makes it important to be prepared by ensuring they know all the information that may possibly be present on the exam. To succeed in finals, the best and most obvious option is to make sure you study the material. However, not every study method works. Some are more effective than others. 

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How to Manage Stress: A Short Guide

By: Alexander Hernandez 

20 May 2024 

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but managing it effectively can greatly enhance your well-being and overall quality of life. Implementing practical strategies for stress management can help you navigate through daily challenges with greater ease.

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A Beginner's Guide to Meditation 

By: Catherine Weigel 

15 May 2024

Meditation is a very powerful tool that can bring a sense of calm to our busy lives. Meditation may seem daunting at first, but anyone can learn to meditate with patience and dedication.

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How to Improve Your Posture 

By: Catherine Weigel 

6 May 2024 

According to MedlinePlus, “Posture is how you hold your body.” In the modern age, many of us spend hours hunched over computers and iPhones, which causes poor posture. However, with a few simple changes to your routine and mindset, you can improve your posture and enjoy the benefits of it! 

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How to Grow an Orange Tree 

By: Merrick Vargas 

24 April 2024

Growing your own food can be a useful resource in multiple ways. This way, there is no need to buy the product from the store, and it can be a useful business opportunity. You can sell fruits for profit or create things from them. The best part is fruit is easy to grow. One popular fruit that can be easy to grow is oranges. Oranges can be used to create juice and desserts, and they provide many nutrients.

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How to Make Creme Puffs 

By: Alexander Herdanez 

24 April 2024 

Here we have a recipe that is not too hard, that is delicious, and a load of fun to make with the family! The recipe is split up into 3 different parts to make it easier. The 3 parts consist of the dough, the filling, and how to fill them.

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How to Take a Deep Breath 

By: Catherine Weigel  

22 April 2024

In the fast-paced world we live in, it can be difficult to stop and take a deep breath once in a while, but it is very necessary to maintain a little bit of inner peace. 

In order to take a deep breath, you have to be able to stop worrying about every little thing and try focusing on something that calms your nerves. Try doing something you love with low stakes—cooking, baking, drawing, painting, crocheting, listening to good music, watching your favorite series, or reading a comforting book. Anything that takes your mind off of the stresses of everyday life. Then, as you try to relax, make sure you breathe in and out as deeply as you can

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How to Plan a Camping Trip 

By: Alexander Herdanez 

10 April 2024 

Nature, fresh air, no crowds, and more can be found when camping. A certain type of peace that can't be found within city limits. With so many reality TV shows advertising camping as an expensive and dangerous feat, it can be scary to try and plan a trip. In reality, it can be as simple as a relaxing weekend camping trip that can be planned in a few simple steps. 

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How to Keep Up With NFL Free Agency?

By: Merrick Vargas 

13 March 2023

National Football League (NFL) Free Agency can be a crazy time with many athletes going to new teams. These athletes can also be signed or traded to new teams. It can also lead to athletes being released from trades for either their poor performance or to free up money for new players. Athletes' contracts can also be restructured to save money. Not only does it involve current NFL players, but it also involves the upcoming NFL players currently playing in college. 

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How to Fish 

By: Alexander Herdanez and Merrick Vargas 

29 January 2024 

Fishing is a fun and recreational activity that has been feeding humans for years. It offers the opportunity to catch your food or enjoy exploring nature. Many people just catch and release while others catch to eat. Either way, it is a chance to get outside and take a break from the world. It is affordable with many places nearby to go fishing. 

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How to Manage Money

By: Merrick Vargas 

13 November 2023

Money is a key essential for our lives. This is essential to how we get food, water, shelter, and much more. The way we use our money should be carefully considered. Saving money avoids the stress of scrambling for money in emergency situations, benefiting one’s mental health. 

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How to Meal Prep

By: Alexander Herdanez 

13 November 2023

Meal prepping is a useful technique that can help you with time management, daily nutrients, and more! At first glance, it may appear to be a strenuous task that is confusing, time-consuming, and even impossible! But in reality, meal prepping is simple. An easy start to the meal planning process is using leftovers. Leftovers can be from restaurants or previous meals, but overall it makes for an effortless and easy meal prep. By taking the leftovers and putting them in a food container, you just meal-prepped! 

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Mastering Time Management: A Quick Guide

By: Merrick Vargas

25 October 2023

The holidays are always one of the most stressful times of the year. This is all because of the shopping needed which includes Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas presents, Christmas dinner, and New Years Eve. These activities also have a big drain on people’s finances and energy due to the constant cooking, cleaning and shopping needed to be done. This paper will help you find a method to make the holidays less difficult for you. The Mayo Clinic Press provides some things you can do to relieve the stress. 

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Mastering Time Management: A Quick Guide

By: Alexander Hernandez

9 September 2023

Are you constantly struggling to keep up with your daily tasks and deadlines? Improving your time management skills can help you become more productive and reduce stress. In this concise guide, we'll walk you through some essential steps to enhance your time management skills.

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