How to Grow an Orange Tree 

By: Merrick Vargas 

24 April 2024

Growing your own food can be a useful resource in multiple ways. This way, there is no need to buy the product from the store, and it can be a useful business opportunity. You can sell fruits for profit or create things from them. The best part is fruit is easy to grow. One popular fruit that can be easy to grow is oranges. Oranges can be used to create juice and desserts, and they provide many nutrients. 

A full orange tree can grow up to 30 feet tall and wide, while dwarf versions can grow up to 12 feet wide and tall. To grow multiple of these trees, full ones should have 20 feet of space in between them, while dwarfs only need 10 feet, due to them being more vulnerable to wind damage. Orange trees need full sun exposure to be able to grow. Their soil also needs specifics to it. It needs to be Loamy (soil composed of sand, silt, and clay) and well drained with its pH level being acidic to neutral. Erica Puisis, a reviewer for The Spruce wrote, “Orange trees are self-fertile and do not require another orange tree to produce fruits. However, including more than one orange tree in your garden will attract more pollinators which can increase fruit production.” This can be a helpful fact to increase the quality and quantity of the product. If these are followed properly, in summer the tree will be blooming with oranges. This makes for a summer of sweet oranges and lots of fun!