Need Some Homework Help?

Here are some academic websites to help you with whatever you need, from mathematics, reading and writing, standardized testing, and more! If you have any other useful websites to offer on this page, help some Pandas out and email us at!

Graphing and Scientific Calculators

These websites are the most useful in mathematics:

Desmos and Geogebra are hands down two of the best graphing calculators out there! Desmos is already a student favorite, but Geogebra has applications for upper division math including 3D Graphing.

Both Wolfram Alpha and Symbolab are two of the best scientific calculators. Both calculators can handle upper division math: Although Wolfram Alpha is a popular choice, you have limited use unless you pay for premium access. Symbolab, on the other hand, is almost as good as Wolfram Alpha, with some limitations.

Textbooks and Notes

Can't find a textbook? Need some textbook homework help? Don't understand a concept, or need some studying done?

Chegg and Slader are very popular for textbook homework help, especially if you've been working on the same problem for a while. Unfortunately, to get full and detailed answers for a specific question, you will have to pay for premium access.

Both Sparknotes and Quizlet will help get your studying done, or help you understand some concepts! Don't know why a certain event happens in a book? Check Sparknotes. Need to studying on a specific chapter of a book? Check Quizlet!

DeltaMath is a great tool to study math. It provides examples to look at if you're stuck, a custom-made help-video to walk you through the steps required to solve an equation, and best of all, it's completely free!

The UPHS Writing Help Website is a website created by Dr. Feller to help you reference a variety of writing guidelines. If you're stuck with anything on your essay, don't hesitate to check it out!

Khan Academy and SAT Practice

Need to learn something in a pinch? Have a long car ride and nothing to do? Want to study for the SAT using a trusted source?

Khan Academy is the right website for you! Khan Academy has a bunch of subjects you can learn with just the click of a finger! Browse a bunch of different topics from Calculus to Literature, and learn something new!

On the other hand, if you need some SAT practice, check out Khan Academy and College Board's partnership with the FREE SAT practice.

Standardized Testing

Check these websites out to sign up for the next ACT or SAT test! Make sure you sign up with just enough time to practice!