Precious Aguinaldo

Favorite Quote: 

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” -Philippians 4:13

Precious Aguinaldo, a UPHS freshman, is part of the yearbook staff. Her goal this year in Journalism is to explore her creative side and include herself in the conversations in yearbook meetings. She is proud of getting into UPHS, and how far she has grown as a person, socially, and mentally. 

Additionally, she loves dancing. She is on a competitive dance team at Dancers Edge. She used to be in taekwondo, gymnastics, and on a swim team. In her free time, she loves working out and running. After high school, she plans on attending college at either the Air Force Academy, UC Santa Barbara, or UC San Francisco.

5 words that describe her: ambivert, spiritual, kind, gullible, athletic