Favorite Quote: “Life is not always going to be roses and rainbows. You are going to have uncomfortable moments. It's what we do with those moments that is going to count and determine our destiny.” 

- Lana 

Cassidy Parish, UPHS Senior, is the Co-Leader for the Social Media team and Leader for the PNN Website team. Coming into University Preparatory High School she made it a goal to work hard on her classwork and try new things that might challenge her. She is proud of her achievements from the past four years, using that success to help set the bar higher for herself for life after high school. After high school her main priority is to finish college with a Master’s degree in Journalism and English, which will set her up to a strong career as a journalist or author. Furthermore, she strives to live uncomfortably if it means that she will personally grow into a more well rounded person. 

In her free time she tries to keep a wide variety of hobbies. Some of her favorite hobbies include writing, music, reading, comedy shows, and looking at art. 

Five words that describe her: hard-working, independent, sarcastic, weird, and determined.