Claire Black

Favorite Quote:  “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” 

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Claire is a part time junior photographer in journalism. She joined the photography team last spring semester to learn from team members,Tiu Tam and Aiden, and this year will continue in that position. On her own time she paints and sketches, then submits those art pieces over to Lit Mag.

Traveling to four states this summer and keeping up on practicing my drawing despite being on the road consistently brings her pride to look back upon.

Outside of school, Claire attends a dance studio downtown where she takes hip hop, pointe, tap, jazz, and strengthening and technique classes. She enjoys being involved with Radiant Church for the youth group on Wednesday nights and church on Sunday mornings.

After high school she plans to attend a four year university or whatever path her calling leads her down. However she first needs to find said calling. Claire is not yet definite on a specific career but knows she wants to pursue a job that prospers deep long term connections with people and allows her to help others in a creative and non-competitive environment.

Five works that describe her are: Imaginative, genuine, thoughtful, hard-working, and eager.