Isabella Seechan

“Because you are not yet who you will one day be.” - Taylor Jenkins Reid 

Isabella Seechan is a Junior at UPHS and the Co-Head Editor of the Newspaper Team. Her purpose is to spread awareness and bring attention to important issues that are happening throughout the world. To know she is contributing something to help humanity and make a difference in the world brings her pride. She is most proud of the amount of books she has read over the course of the last three years. 

Moreover, in her free time, Isabella enjoys playing the guitar and reading. Her favorite novel is Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney. She hopes to one day be as concise as Sally Rooney is in her writing. Isabella also loves watching Formula 1, which is single-seat racing, in her free time. 

She plans to graduate from UPHS with an Associate’s Degree and attend a four-year university. Isabella would like to major in Business Management. During her time at university, Isabella hopes to study abroad to experience and learn about different cultures. She would like to work as a product manager, where she can apply the skills she learned from running the Newspaper team to her occupation. Down the road, she would like to obtain her Master’s Degree. 

Five words to describe her: honest, passionate, straightforward, driven, hard-working