
Welcome to our Writings Page! This section is designated to short stories, poetry, any written art you submit! Submissions can also follow the monthly theme.


By Dylan Asunto

Puzzles, problems, people–everything in the outside world is easy to understand. But I can never fully understand myself. A split second of doubt is all it takes. Guilt and self-loathing swell up my gut. My legs freeze. My throat tightens. My eyes lock in place, staring dead ahead but failing to see. 

I deny my own heartbeat; as if I’m inhuman.

It’s nothing but a silent struggle. New hobbies, new people, and new accomplishments appear every day, but nihility lingers like a shadow. I question the point of facing opportunity costs for a future I don’t even know exists. 

Unpleasant memories connect with my conscience. Every insult and every flaw etched in my mind–memories unnoticed by others’ eyes–resurface. Am I inconsiderate? Untrustworthy? Selfish? In the soundless theater of my head, I alone reenact every moment. Maybe the jeering audience has a point.

But forget about it. Brooding is a waste of time.

The Bitter Taste of Bile

By Elena Pelayo

A throbbing headache,



I feel like I’m going to throw up.

I want to escape.


A trash can!

The purging of my breakfast:

Pineapple and a superfluous amount of chia seeds.

I know the cause of my discomfort.

With the treacherous chia seeds puked from above,

Serenity washes over me,

My discomfort has been eradicated.

You and I

By Elena Pelayo

   A willow tree, its leaves swaying gently in the breeze. The sun is pleasantly warm on my skin. I look at the valley below me. The sound of the wind rustling through the willow tree is all I hear. The clouds are beautiful and white; some stringy, some like cotton candy.

     I wish I could be in the clouds, with no care in the world. Free as my imagination may be, I wish I could expand my dreams into reality.

   In my mind, I jump from cloud to cloud with you, laughing. We sprout wings and fly, racing each other as we slice through nimbus clouds.

I miss you, and the times we used to have were precious. I only wish I knew that you were going to float away from me so soon. I never said goodbye.

     But death is often never planned, and it does not need any sort of approval to succumb its victims to everlasting slumber.

We were two peas in a pod. Yin and yang.

Now I’m left with my other half missing.

     You will always be the one closest to my heart. My love for you was infinite, but I could have loved you more.

Now I have a replacement, but it will never be the same. The differences between you and her will forever be too far.

     You will always be too far away from me. Soon I will forget you, buried in my troubles.

     But I would never forget you, I hope.    

     I am in a barren desert, walking alone at night. I have no company, except for the wistful wind dancing through my hair.

     I am hungry, my feet burn, and I don’t think I can walk anymore. I intend to give up. I realize my sadness is insignificant to anybody but me. There are certainly people out in this blue and green bubble that are dealing with worse. I’m just one dust speck in the galaxy.

But I want to wallow in sadness.