Luise Bockhorn 

“Sometimes it’s hard to pick right from wrong. The best thing we can do is go with our heart and hope it all goes well” - Mac Miller

Luise Bockhorn is a Junior this year at UPHS. She is an exchange student from Germany and she will stay for 10 Months in Visalia. Her role in Journalism is as an artist and editor of the Literary Magazine.

One thing Luise is really proud of doing is going to the US as an exchange student all by herself. Outside of school Luise often meets up with friends and does different activities. She also likes doing sports like volleyball and tennis. Besides that, she likes to go to different places on weekends or to spend time with her family. Luise wants to go to college to go to a University in Germany because she is thinking about studying medicine.

In five words she would describe herself as friendly, open-hearted, caring, supportive, and spontaneous.