Kennedy Gonzalez

Favorite Quote: “You don’t have time to be timid. You must be bold, daring.” - Lumière

Kennedy Gonzalez, UPHS Senior, is a member of the Yearbook team. This is her second year designing the UPHS Paw Print Yearbook, and she is so excited to help capture and remember the amazing memories made throughout the year! Kennedy is very proud of her school achievements, dedication to her schoolwork, and determination to reach her goals.

Outside of school, Kennedy loves going to the beach and spending her free time with family and friends. When she is not doing homework, Kennedy is either playing the piano, crocheting, or reading a good book! After high school, she plans to attend college, later followed by medical school. In the future, Kennedy plans to work in the medical field, specifically in pediatrics, as a Pediatrician.

Five words to describe Kennedy: Responsible, Friendly, Determined, Helpful, and Stubborn.