Aunesty Ramos-Brewer

“You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead, it’s important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages” - Michelle Obama 

Aunesty Ramos-Brewer, a sophomore, is a member of the yearbook team and first year in the journalism class. Her part on the yearbook team is to help collaborate and design the yearbook with other members  of the yearbook team. 

Something that Aunesty is proud of is how far she has gotten after everything that she has been through to the years adding up to now. 

When Aunesty is not at school, she likes to watch tv shows that she has been finding interest in. If she’s not doing that, she is often trying to find jobs that she can apply for once she’s 16. She also enjoys drawing/coloring or reading a murder mystery novel. 

Once Aunesty graduates highschool, she plans to attend college at Fresno State and major in Forensic Science, Criminology, and victimology. 

After Aunesty finishes her college, she plans to work in the field of Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), and solve murders, homicides, suicides, etc.

Five words to describe Aunesty: Loyal, Hardworking, Caring, Passionate, Trustworthy.