How to Take a Deep Breath 

By: Catherine Wiegel 

24 April 2024

In the fast-paced world we live in, it can be difficult to stop and take a deep breath once in a while, but it is very necessary to maintain a little bit of inner peace. 

In order to take a deep breath, you have to be able to stop worrying about every little thing and try focusing on something that calms your nerves. Try doing something you love with low stakes—cooking, baking, drawing, painting, crocheting, listening to good music, watching your favorite series, or reading a comforting book. Anything that takes your mind off of the stresses of everyday life. Then, as you try to relax, make sure you breathe in and out as deeply as you can. 

One method many people use, and many professionals recommend, is the box breathing method. The Calm app is run by licensed physicians and clinicians, and they have provided in-depth steps in their article “Box breathing: how to do it and why it matters” on their website! The box breathing method works like this: 

You breathe in through your nose as you count to 4, you hold your breath within your lungs as you count to 4, and release your breath as you count to 4, and you hold your lungs empty for 4, then do it as many times as you like. You can change how long you do this to whatever is most comfortable (like 8 seconds instead of 4). Try it!

It is a very popular technique, which can make one hesitant to try it, but in stressful moments, sometimes all you need to do is try to breathe. There are other breathing techniques, as well, if you do not prefer this one! 

It is important to remember, especially at a school like University Preparatory High, that you need to be worried about yourself as well, and not just your grades. It is easy to fall into a habit of focusing all your energy outward, but sometimes, we need a moment to direct it inwards. You cannot run on empty fumes, so you must take some time for yourself. 

As finals approach, it is crucial to remind yourself that you are so much more than what your report card says! You come first, always.