peace and our planet

Sankt Martin am Tennengebirge, Austria by John O'Nolan on Unsplash

We have chosen this shade of forest green to represent life, nature and renewal. Our precious planet needs us to engage in peacemaking to survive.

Planetary peace is about engaging with the climate emergency that we currently face. It means that we are at peace with the planet, and with all other living systems. It can only be achieved if we are able to see ourselves as deeply connected with all forms of life, and with the planet itself.

Our Earth is not a resource that can be endlessly used for the benefit of the richest humans alone. The air that we breathe, the land that feeds us, and the water that we drink are part of a delicate balance that is being upset by a growing human polulation.

In order to protect our precious planet, we first need to love it. Planetary peace is therefore about biophilia - a love of Nature - which will compell us to take great care of our world.


#38761d forest green