win again

saying peace

Do not let me win again

Do not let me win again. Not this time.

Not again. I've won too often and know what

winning means. I do not want to possess.

I do not want to. I will not want you.

Every time a thing is won.

Every time a thing is owned.

Every time a thing is possessed.

It vanishes.

Only the need is perfect. Only the wanting.

Brian Patten

showing peace

image Victoire Joncheray

doing peace

the theme today is inner peace

The poem is about what happens when people focus only on winning. We all know that people who lose are often unhappy, but this poem reminds us that winning too can leave us feeling empty. We don't always feel peaceful.

What do you think about winning and losing? Sometimes it is motivating to win. Competition is not a bad thing. It's also important to remember, however, that winning for winning's sake is not necessarily fulfilling, and that the process of working towards something can be the best bit. Also, losing is not always bad. When we lose we often gain knowledge and self-understanding. It can make us stronger and help us to understand others who experience loss.

  • write your ideas as an essay. Try to persuade people to think more deeply about winning and losing. Give some examples to support your argument

  • design a game that is based on cooperation rather than competition

  • play the game with others, and discuss how it felt to be playing cooperatively

  • do you want to add anything to your essay after this experience?