A Reflection


saying peace

How ignorant I was! Unaware that I am living in a world that privileged me my whole life just because I am a man, and did not limit my chances in life because of my gender.

A world that means because someone is a woman, they have less chances to go to school, get a job, receive equal pay, or get a promotion at work. A world that means women will have a much greater share of or all of the housekeeping and parenting duties, and face harassment daily. A world so full of inequality against women that we could write the lengthiest book in the world.

How ignorant I was! Every success I have had is because of the women in my life, who have held this burden, often silently and un-thanked, and supported everyone around them.

I cannot change the past, but I can change the present and the future and commit to do my part to making the world a more equal and more inclusive place for all. I hope you will join me, for there will be no dignity in this world before we have gender equality

Oudai Tozan, edited by Emilie McDonnell.

showing peace

doing peace

The theme today is Peace and Justice

Women’s equality is not a fight for women only; it is everyone’s fight. We are all in this together. On this day, I invite boys and men to reflect on their important role in fighting all types of discrimination and inequality against girls and women.

  • How can we be better help in this fight? How can we be change makers in our families, friendship groups, and community? We need to be brave and face the reality. We, men, have built the system that created this inequality, and we have a huge responsibility to change it. Let us all be part of making the world equal for all!