poet's tree

saying peace

Poet's Tree

Underneath the poet tree

Come and rest awhile with me,

And watch the way the word-web weaves

Between the shady story leaves.

The branches of the poet tree

Reach from mountain to the sea.

So come and dream, or come and climb -

Just don't get hit by falling rhymes

Shel Silverstein

showing peace

doing peace

The theme today is global peace

We have given you 45 poetic offerings since we launched this site on 22 January and today we'd like to invite you to create your own poetic offering.

The poem above is an invitation to playfully explore your own words that may be trapped inside you and want to reveal themselves to you and the world.

This is what you need to do:

  • Get a note book and a pen and find a tree.

  • Sit under the tree and take a few slow, deep breaths.

  • Write these three words: 'I am sitting...' and then continue. Don't over think, just put your pen to the paper and begin. It doesn't have to rhyme but it could it you like. It doesn't have to be long but if it is then go with it. It certainly doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be.

  • Once you've written the poem leave it for a few hours (or days) and then return to it and edit it (if need be).

  • If you would like to share it with us please email PoeticPeaceOfferings@gmail.com