poetic offerings for peace

Poems, reflections, images & activities for global peace education

Photo by Anna Parker

who are we?

The Poetic Offerings for Peace resource was created in 2021 by members of the Cambridge Peace Education Research Group under the guidance of Professor Hilary Cremin, Head of the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge.

The purpose of this site is to support schools and individuals in replacing a culture of war with a culture of peace through daily peace offerings and activities for young people and the people who educate them.

why now? 

On the 22nd Jan 2021 nuclear weapons became illegal under international law.  We wish to use this moment to increase our efforts to build peace through education.  Many young people are out of school at the moment, and we hope that this website will be used by them and their teachers.  We will take the website wherever it goes following the feed-back from our users. 

how does it work?

SInce 22nd Jan 2021, we have uploaded poems or pieces of reflective writing, images and activities.  We invite you to engage with these materials in whatever way you like.  We aim to have regular global peace lessons in order to bring people together in the name of peace to share what they have been doing.  

what is it about?

We will cover the following themes in the following order:

The materials are aimed at young people from upper primary school age (11 years) and throughout secondary school.  We will sometimes talk about the consequences of war and injustice, and so advise teachers and parents to bear this in mind and to check the content to make sure it is suitable for the age and ability level of the young people in your care.