

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Course Description: This course is an entry level, project based engineering class for students interested in a science, engineering, or math (STEM) career field. However, all career clusters will benefit from this course and are welcome. Students will learn how to apply the engineering design process to create solutions to problems. Students will demonstrate this process through design portfolios and prototype models. Computerized 3D modeling and drafting software will be used extensively to create prototypes. Students will learn how to use a modern Fabrication Lab to create their prototype designs using 3D printers, laser engravers, and vinyl cutters. This is a highly collaborative course with many team based projects. This course is a prerequisite for Introduction to Engineering. Lab Fee: $10.00


Prerequisite: Foundations in Engineering

GRADES OFFERED: 9, 10, 11, 12

Course Description: Students will continue to apply the core engineering skills from the Engineering Skills class in a highly collaborative project based learning environment. Through problem-solving, collaboration, communication, and creative thinking, students will begin building a foundation for future success in all career fields. Team based projects will become larger, more complex, and cover more areas of engineering. Students will extensively use the Fab Lab for projects involving the integration of more technology. Students will be able to independently program and use 3D printers, laser engravers, and vinyl cutters. Lab Fee: $20.00


Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering

GRADES OFFERED: 10, 11, 12

Students will now be able to independently apply the core engineering skills from the Introduction to Engineering class in a project based learning environment. Through problem-solving, collaboration, communication, and creative thinking, students will create complex written design portfolios including drawings from 3D design software. Students will give oral presentations to industry professionals about their designs and prototypes. Team based projects will involve designing and creating larger machine systems requiring the integration of all previously learned skills. Students will compete in class design competitions and regional engineering competitions against other schools. Students will begin to utilize the more advanced equipment in the Fab Lab to create their prototypes. Lab Fee: $20.00


Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering

Grades 10, 11, 12

Course Description: Students will learn and understand the principles and techniques of both Architectural and Civil Engineering concepts. Students will learn the history and styles of popular home designs as well as the criteria by which these homes are built. The students will produce detailed blueprints of their desired home designs by using a three dimensional computer drafting program. Upon completion of the student’s home blueprint, the student will build a scaled model replica of their home design. Lab Fee: $20.00

ENGINEERING ENTERPRISE - 3935/3936 (Two Terms)

Grades 11, 12

Prerequisite: 3 Engineering Courses

Course Description: This course is designed to be the senior capstone course for students who have completed three levels of the engineering program. Students will work collaboratively in teams to use their prior engineering knowledge and skills to explore the product development cycle including sales, marketing, manufacturing, and quality control. Groups of students will develop products to be manufactured and sold to students and the community. Each student will be required to complete an individual service project of their choosing subject to instructor approval. Lab Fee: $20.00