Mrs. Geri Paxton

Dear Parents and Students,

Career Research and Decision Making is a valuable course for 8th Grade students. Each student will research their individual interests for future careers and look into the requirements to reach their goals. Planning for a career starts now because soon they will enroll in high school classes that will be required for college or technical careers. I hope the students enjoy this time of discovery. I will do whatever I can to assist them in their journey.


Students will need to come to class each day with a charged Chromebook, earbuds, pencils, and pens for Career Planning.


Attached as .pdf documents are copies of the textbook by chapter. Students may use these attachments as an at-home resource for studying or make-up work. I also have the textbook attached in the Careers Google Classroom for student convenience. If a student would rather use a hardcover textbook, there are several books available in the classroom.

Chapter Note Guides and Quizlet

Students will fill in the Interactive Note Guides as they read the lesson. These notes will serve as study guides for the Chapter and End of Course tests. The Interactive Notes are assigned through Google Classroom and will be turned in for grades. Students should focus on memorizing vocabulary as well. Quizlet will be utilized to help with vocabulary terms.


Tests are on Skyward. They are multiple choice, matching, and true/false. The tests are NOT open book or open notes. To prepare for a test, read over the chapter, memorize your vocabulary, practice vocabulary on Quizlet, and complete the Review Quiz on Google Classroom for extra credit.

EOC Exam

Students should study for the exam at the end of the semester by completing the Review Quizzes on Google Classroom. Students should use their textbook to study Chapters 1-9 and Chapter 13. They can look up answers for the Review Quizzes and take the quizzes multiple times for practice. 

Interview Practice

Students will learn how to dress appropriately for an interview. I will show the students several appropriate options for dressing for an interview that are relevant to their age and what they may have available in their closet. Students will create a resume and practice answering common interview questions. 

Google Classroom

All work is assigned through Google Classroom. Look at the Google Classroom each day to find your assignment even when you are absent. Use the Google Calendar to help organize your time. Tests are administered through Skyward but you will see the test assignment date on Google Classroom and in your Google Calendar.

Syllabus and Syllabus Electronic Signature Form- (also linked are the VCS Student Handbook and the Behavior Management Plan)

Please read through the course syllabus. (click the links below)

Please open the Electronic Signature Form to sign and fill in your contact information.

VCS Student Handbook Link:

24-25 Behavior Management Plan Link:

8th Grade Google Classroom - Class of 2029

Join this Google Classroom and stay enrolled all year long. This is where you will find information about 8th Grade Dress Down Days, 8th Grade T-Shirts, GradVenture Field Trip and much more. Join the Google Classroom with this code: 64al4l6- (those are "lowercase L's, not the number one)


PDF documents
Textbook Appendix - Career Clusters
Textbook Chapter 1 -
Textbook Chapter 13 -
Textbook Chapter 14 -
Textbook Chapter 2 -
Textbook Chapter 3 -
Textbook Chapter 4 -
Textbook Chapter 5 -
Textbook Chapter 6 -
Textbook Chapter 7 -
Textbook Chapter 8 -
Textbook Chapter 9 -
Textbook Glossary -