UE Plugin (4.27)

Map Configurations


The COALA Plugin comes with a Blueprint called BP_Coala. Each map created with this Plugin should have a child of this blueprint, e.g. for the Paper_map it is the BP_Coala_ChildMap2.

This blueprint is a prepared example on how the COALA Plugin can be used to

There is a preconfigured blueprint in the level "PaperMap" which can be used to explain the different exposed configurable options.

Select the "BP_Coala" in the "World Outliner" and under the category "Coala" in the details panel you can find all possible configurable values listed.

World Outliner Hierarchy Order

In play mode each Area is created as its own object. All objects that are spawned within that Area are collected under this object. Take a look at the World Outliner in play mode to see the hierarchy of it.

CoalaAreaActor_area (the name also includes the Area index)

cells (basically the terrain)

waters (all water shapes are grouped here)

buildings (contains all buildings - depending on your configuration the meshes could be merged or independent for each building)

pois (all Points Of Interest that exist in that area are listed here - not the ones from the Back-end, only your configured POI prefabs)

streets (contains all street types/categories)

decorations (all decorations that have been spawned in that area)


Coala Scale

Elevation Scale

Area Load Buffer

Get Weather Updates

Get Weather Delay

GPS Accuracy

Request Context


Cell Default Render Config


Building Render Config (Each building consists of different parts that can be configured by this object)

Create Meshes

Merge Meshes

Generate UVs

Height Per Level

Generate Collisions

Default Building Level

Clamp to Default Building Level

Limit Max Building Level To


Street Z Offset

Street Default Render Config


The "Water Render Config" contains the following values


Generate UVs

Outline Width

Outline Material

POIs and Custom POIs

Poi Configuration

Custom Poi Configuration


Player Editor Start Lon

Player Editor Start Lat

Enable Movement by Click

Print Variables to Screen


Area Decoration Configuration


Use At

Skip If


Random Scale Max

Random Scale Min

Count retries if position is occupied

Only if Gametag is highest


Please note that this feature is in an early stage and we are including more and more data points. We currently support the following countries:

Render Crimes

Force Render All Crimes

Crime Types To Display

Highlighter Blueprint

Default Crime Pin Blueprint

Heat Map Type


Weight Factor

Weight Threshold

Pillar Scale

Pillar Token Blueprint

Flat Token Blueprint


(The Transportation data are currently still being gathered and implemented into the server so you will currently not get a response from transportation requests. If you need a data dump for testing purposes, please reach out here: support@thoughtfish.de)

Transportation Type

Vehicle Blueprint

Stop Blueprint

Bus Settings

Train Settings

Flight Settings

Transportation Data Loading Perimeter