Steps to use the Unity Package 

Starting from scratch (creating a new Unity project using Editor Version: 2021.2.16f1)

Start by creating a new project using the 3D template

After loading you should get something like this:

Importing the COALA package through the package manager 

Navigate to Window -> Package Manager and install the COALA package under the Packages: My Assets tab. You should now see a new Coala menu in the Menu Bar as in the image below. 

Click on the the Package manager window option, which will open the COALA - Package manager, and then click on ADD STABLE. 

Now the COALA Unity Package should be successfully installed in your project. 

Read the introduction window

After importing the package into your project, you can open the Instruction window for more information.

Add needed Tags and Layers

The COALA package needs some Unity editor tags for faster map generation. You don't have to put them in manually. Executing the setup routine will take care of that. 

(Tip: After this step, check the console output for errors. It should look like the image above.) 

Import an example into your project 

Navigate to Window -> Package Manager again and find the COALA Package under the Packages in this project.

Under the Samples section, import the Example 2 - RenderArea3D.

(Tip: You can use any other example but with the second one it is easier to verify that the package works as it should.

Open the example scene

Layout and usage

The screen contains three major sections:

Play mode

Start play mode, press one of the Request buttons, and watch the result.

If you see something similar to the image above, the package is now ready to use.

Remember that you need to make your own project at the COALA Back-end in order to customize the maps.

When using the PaperMap example in an existing project 

In case you have installed our package to an existing project, you will need the Universal Render Pipeline for the PaperMap example to work properly. 


It's broken! Everything is pink!

Background knowledge

Should the areas of one of your example scenes look like this:

then you are missing the Universal RP and/or you are having the wrong Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings in use. The example scenes in this package are using mobile-optimized shaders and shaders that were created with Unity's Shader Graph.


Search and install the Universal RP package from the Package Manager.

Open the Project Settings (under the Edit menu), navigate to the Graphics section, and assign the "UniversalRenderPipelineAsset.asset" provided through the above package to the "Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings".