COALA Back-end


The Configuration tab is the first screen you see when creating or selecting a project. Here you can configure some basic settings such as the the users added to work on project or editing the project details.

1. User Management

Here you can see and manage all the people that have access to this project in the Back-end. Their names and email addresses will appear on this list. A user can only set their name when they create their account. 

There are two user types in COALA Back-end: Collaborators or Administrators. Naturally, Administrators have the authority to do everything in the project while Collaborators can also edit all project settings but lack the power to edit the project users or deactivate the project. Administrators are marked with a star icon next to their name.

On this tab an Administrator can add/remove users or change a user's type.

2. Data Version

Whenever you change a ProjectTag or a POITag (Custom POIs included), you need to increase the project's data version before the changes are successfully applied. The ProjectTag and POI versions don't need to be the same, just make sure you increase the correct one when making a change. 

3. Project Key

The Project Key is the API Key you need to use in order to request data from COALA. If you're using our Unity or Unreal Engine Plugins, paste this Project Key in the API Key field to link your COALA Back-end project to your project in the respective engine.

4. Project Settings

Here you can Upgrade the Plan, Deactivate, Edit, or see the Billing Overview of your COALA Back-end project.

Upgrade your Plan

Selecting one of the paid Plan options will take you to the Billing information screen, where you have to choose your payment method and provide your billing information, unless they have already been provided in the past.

Deactivate Project

In the project plan screen you can also choose to deactivate your project

Note: You can still edit the project while it's deactivated but you cannot request any data from it.

Edit project

Billing Overview

In the History section of the Billing Overview you can find and download all the past invoices produced by your project.