Advanced Building Texturing and Roof Shapes

Building Texturing Configurations

The Buildings Textures and Building Configuration sections in the Coala Buildings Config are dedicated to the Building Texturing and the Roofs features. These features enables you to apply detailed correctly aligned textures to walls and a selection of roof shapes to the buildings spawned in your map, thus producing beautiful and unique urban environments. You can also apply different textures and roof shapes to buildings depending on the number of floors they have, adding variety to the buildings in your scene. 

Use Advanced Texturing - Check this to enable the advanced texturing feature. Leaving this unchecked, will uniformly apply (stretched or shrunk) the texture selected in the "Material For Walls" fields below to all walls (simple texturing)

Base Texture Dimension - The real-world length (in meters) that the texture's width corresponds to (only used when Use Advanced Texturing is on). This also applies the texturing of the Flat and FlatMansard roof shapes

Left Section Percent - The percentage of the texture's width that represents the left feature (only used when Use Advanced Texturing is on)

Central Section Percent - The percentage of the texture's width that represents the central feature (only used when Use Advanced Texturing is on)

Right Section Percent - The percentage of the texture's width that represents the right feature (only used when Use Advanced Texturing is on)

Materials For Buildings Of Height - The Elements in this section contain settings for the walls and roofs of buildings depending on their floor count. Be aware that these Elements need to be in order of ascending number of floors. This means that the Up to Storey value of Element 0 needs to be smaller than that of Element 1, and so on

Higher Floors - The settings in this section will be applied to all buildings with a number of floors higher than the ones defined in Materials For Buildings Of Height

Available Roof Shapes

Textured Material File (Material For Walls)

A Material file needs to have a format similar to the one in the image to the left. 

Advanced Texturing Logic

COALA fills each buildings' walls with the textures from the texture file according to the following logic: