UE Plugin

New Level Creation

To create a new level scene using the COALA Plugin perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new level scene.

  2. Add a child of BP_Coala and BP_Character to the scene.

  3. In the World Settings, assign a game mode. Create your own game mode or use our PaperGamemode. You can also create your own game mode but use our TopDownPlayerController if that is what you need. (Note: The z value of the player depends on the z value of the terrain at the player's current position).

  4. For mobile targeted projects request permissions to use location services (for an example on how to do so please refer to the Level Blueprint of the Papermap map).

  5. Configure the map in the BP_Coala child. Check here for more information.

  6. Add and configure a skybox with day and night cycle and weather using the BP_Coala_Weather_System blueprint. For more information on that, visit Weather Configuration.