COALA Back-end


The COALA Back-end is where you can configure and customize all the data COALA will be providing to your project and users. That includes all the different contexts and POIs that will appear/affect your world or app and much more.

The first couple of things you need to do to use the COALA Back-end is create an account and then create a project inside that account. As explained here, the account creation is free of charge and each of your new projects start in the Free Tier, so you can start working and exploring COALA's capabilities immediately.

Once you have created a project, you can explore all the different features and functions of COALA by navigating the tabs on the left side of the screen

This section of the wiki provides information on all the different features the COALA Back-end has to offer

Term Glossary


A few functions in the back-end allow you to attach a Payload to a specific entry or entity you create. The Payload essentially is a string that will be included in the API response from COALA and inside which you can store information about the entry it is attached to. This information can then be used however you see fit.


In a few places in the Back-end you might find the term GameTag used instead of ProjectTag. This is a term used in previous versions of COALA which has since been replaced by ProjectTag.