UE Plugin (4.27)

Installation and Setup

How to load the PaperMap

The UE Plugin itself comes with an example map where everything is prepared and configured for you: The PaperMap

To use this map you need to follow a few steps.

2. Select "Blank" template

3. Sample project settings could look like this.

After the project is created, the editor will start.

4. Make sure that the following are enabled:

5. You can already have a sneak peak into the "Coala_Paper_Map" level that is located here:

ThoughtfishCoalaPlugin Content -> PaperMap -> Content -> PaperMap

6. Load the level, press play, and wait until the map is generated.

Tip: If you want to observe how the level is generated, uncheck the "Show Loading" box on the "BP_Coala_Interface" actor.

7. As soon as the map is loaded, click "Eject" to detach from the player controller.

And investigate the scene as you please.

Set up your COALA API Key

To use the configurations of your own project in the COALA Backend, simply update the Coala Project Api Key field to the Project Key found in the Configuration page in the Backend. This field is located in the Setup section of the BP_Coala.

Builds for Mobile

Under Project Settings, set the "Coala_Paper_Map" level as the default map for Editor and Game.

Verify that your "Platforms - Android" settings are correct. 

We used the following:

Extend Platform.ini file with the following values

(This will allow more objects to be  spawned by the engine, which is needed for decorations)




To start the build, navigate to

select a save path and wait for the result

The .apk (android package file) can now be used to install the example on an android device.

Builds for Android

Make sure you have added the extra permissions needed for GPS:

Builds for iOS

Make sure you have enabled "Allow web connections to non-HTTPS websites" if building for iOS.

Move around the map by clicking/tapping

Configure the input bindings in the  editor (as in the image below)

(Tip: Verify that "Action Mappings" is spelled correctly because it needs to match the values in the Plugin)

In the "World Outliner" select "BP_Coala".

Check "Enable Movement by Click" in the Details panel

Press play and as soon as the map is loaded...

...you can move around the generated world by right-clicking on it

Smooth Movement

If you want to enable a smooth character movement when using the above functionality to move by clicking/tapping, you can check the Smooth Movement checkbox and set a movement speed in the Speed field. 

Please note that for the smooth movement to be enabled, you MUST check the Use Mouse for Touch check box located in Window -> Project Settings -> Engine -> Input -> Mouse Properties -> Advanced