UE Plugin

Builds for Mobile

Attention: For UE version 4.27+, check here.


Make sure you have enabled the Mobile Location Services plugins (see Installation).

To use a built version of the plugin you have to change your [Platform].ini to allow more objects.

Just add a few decimals to your gc.MaxObjectsInGame. If there is no gc.MaxObjectsInGame in your [Platform].ini you can just add it manually.

For example, for android the file is located at Project/Config/Android/AndroidEngine.ini

(Tip: The .ini file will be automatically created by unreal if you build for Android)

For iOS you will need to create a folder under Project/Config/ called "IOS" and create a file called "IOSEngine.ini" with the content below.



Because of the amount of objects we recommend setting the Area Load Buffer to 0 for a mobile test build (see New Level Creation).

No other settings have to be adjusted to make a test build for Android.

Character Movement on the Map

We have included a testing functionality in the BP_Coala Event Graph.

Important note if building for iOS

If building for iOS, make sure you have enabled Allow web connections to non-HTTPS websites.


Solution #1

If only the COALA loading screen is visible and nothing else happens, make sure you have added the needed extra permissions for GPS in Project Settings -> Platforms -> Android

Solution #2

If you get the message "Location service disabled" even you have enabled the GPS service on your device, make sure all three Mobile Location Services Blueprint plugins are activated in Plugins -> Blueprints.