Unity Plugin



This package comes with a bunch of configuration assets that can be created and used in your project through the context menu in the Unity editor.

You can determine which configurations the package should use by dragging them into the persistent game object.

(Tip: Any other prefab will do the same job, just make sure the COALA Config (Script) is in the scene and that it has the configuration objects you want.)

We provide an example map called "PaperMap" that uses shared configuration assets to function.

(Tip: You can/should review the content of those files to understand how all pieces come together to create the look of this map.)

All configuration assets and their purpose


Each variable has a tooltip that explains its function

(Tip: The tooltips are not viewable in Unity's play mode.) 

System (COALA) Config

Contains all the basic settings, such as:

Scale Config

Building config

Contains all configurations related to buildings and their texturing

Create Building Meshes - Select which building parts to render. Choose from 

Create Building Colliders - Apply colliders to the chosen rendered building parts

Merge Building Meshes - Check this to have all buildings merge into one object (improves performance)

Spawn Closest to Player FIrst - Check this to render buildings closest to the player first

Number of Buildings Generate Per Frame - Control the number of buildings generated per frame 

Coala Building Height Clamp To Level - Limit the maximum number of floors a building can have to this value

Default Building Level - The number of floors that will be applied to all buildings for which no floor data can be retrieved

Entrance Storey Height - The height of the ground floor mesh (in meters)

Middle Story Height - The height of all other floor meshes (in meters)

Roof Transition Storey Height - The height of the Roof transition mesh (in meters)

The rest of the Configurations in this config will be explained here


Buildings are split into three parts: 

POI Config

This config takes care of which object should spawn on a POI's location.

Cell Render Config

(Tip: Use different materials to see how the cell is influenced by location, time, and/or weather. More information can be found here!)

Street Render Config

(Tip: You can use textures to make the streets look even nicer! For more information on that, go to Streets.)

Zones Config

To display Zones on the map you can set up a zone config object

Weather Config

Normally there is a player or a reference point on the map. The area that this point is in is used to draw the real-world weather data. This config lets you define which weather particle system is spawned when the weather of the area changes.

To manipulate this feature, define how many weather types you want your project to react to.

(Tip: Predefined weather particle effects for "Rain", "Fog" and "Snow" are located in the package at "Packages->COALA->Runtime->Resources->Particles".)

The weather effect is attached to the player/reference point and reacts to movement.

Update Config

Define at which frequency the areas are reloaded/updated as a reaction to possible changes in context/ProjectTags depending on time and weather.

Crime Config

Define how crime data should be displayed

For more information on the crime config settings, visit the Crime Page