COALA Back-end

Custom Data


Apart from the numerous possibilities that COALA offers you to automatically generate customized POIs in the POI Tab, you may also manually enter your own custom POIs directly into COALA so that it includes them in the API responses. All these custom POIs can be configured at the Custom Data Tab 

Manage Tab

In this tab you may add, remove, and edit Custom POIs. You can perform all these actions through the interactive map.


Press and hold the left mouse button to "drag" around the map.


Use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

Display custom POI's

Select an area by pressing and holding shift + leftclick to display all custom POIs in that area.

All POIs in the selected region will be displayed in the list.

Edit custom POI's:

Select an existing POI by clicking on it either on the map or directly in the list to open the detail view.

Locate Me

The "Locate Me" button will center the map at your current position (Please note that this feature requires your permission through your browser).

Create custom POI's

Right-click on the map to create a new custom POI at the position of the cursor.

Deleting custom POI's

Select and open the detail view of an existing POI to delete it with the corresponding button.

Filter custom POI's

Filter by using the various input fields on the left to further narrow down the results of your selection. All custom POI's that match your search will stay displayed in the list and on the map. The rest will be removed from the list and greyed out on the map.

Insert Data Tab

Here you can add Custom POIs in bulk if you have the following details for all of them: Name, Longitude, Latitude, and optionally a Payload string. Separate the details by a comma ","

Possible entries could look like:

Configuration tab

COALA also offers the possibility to allow your app's users to create Custom POIs. You can enable this feature here and choose whether these new POIs will be automatically visible or invisible. 

The UE and Unity Plugins also need to be configured regarding user-generated Custom POIs.

Invisible custom POIs

When a POI is Invisible or locked (as opposed to Visible or unlocked), it is automatically excluded from the from the API response from COALA.