UE Plugin


This is what the paper map looks like on mobile.

The player is represented by a simple character wearing a COALA cap. It has a white interaction radius around it.

Parks are displayed with a green ground texture while places of belief are tinted pink and museums are tinted orange. Parks also have trees on them, waters are shown in their real world shape, and the building height is clamped.

The UI in the top right hand corner shows the state of the current weather and the time. Furthermore, there are particle effects for snow, rain, and mist that activate automatically when the respective weather condition appears in the real world at the character's location. You will also see the sun rise and set within the day, while the color, position, and intensity of the light changes accordingly. The shadows are aligned with the real world shadows.

A moon mesh is showing up at night, depicting the current moon phase.

The distance fog creates a nice atmosphere.

The points of interest are shown as 2d icons with the respective graphic of what they stand for. Clicking on them reveals a pop up with information.

There are five static POIs: museums, supermarkets, bars, schools, and health care institutions. The dynamic POI is the only icon with a reversed color scheme. It represents a post box that will only appear at noon. It is also possible to have dynamic POIs for more complex states by combining different conditions (like weather, time, specific locations, and so on).