UE Plugin


Attention: For UE version 4.27+, check here.

Steps to use the UE Plugin

Input Settings

After importing the plugin, there are a few important steps to go through before you can start using it.

Please note the amount of requests you can do with the provided API keys in the example map is limited. We will restrict the available requests in the coming days so please create your own project as described at the end of this page.

In the Project Settings > Input, bind the actions and clear the default touch interface as shown below.

Your values must match the ones shown on the screenshot as our Plugin references to them.

Tip: For more information see here. 

Enable COALA Blueprints

Next, go to Edit > Plugins and navigate to Thoughtfish to find and enable the Coala Blueprints. 

Enable GPS Updates

To get GPS updates in mobile applications, you need to enable the following Built-In Plugins as well:

After these are enabled, the editor needs to be restarted. 

Enable the Thoughtfish Content

First, you need to enable the Engine Content View in the Content Browser.

Then search for ThoughfishCoalaPlugin Content and navigate to /PaperMap/Content/PaperMap/MAP_2 as shown on the image below.

Map Generation

In the World Settings set the GameMode Override to PaperGamemode

(Tip: For the Sci-fi map you have to set it to "CoalaGameMode" and for the low-poly map to "LowpolyGameMode")

Set the Papermap as startup map in the Project Settings under Maps & Modes.

Press "Play" and wait for map generation.

Move over the map via right mouse click, zoom in and out by pressing 1 on your keyboard, rotate around the player using Q and E. You can also change the angle with T and G. Left-click on a POI to open its pop up.

If you wish, you can set a specific aspect ratio to have the same size as on mobile. 

To do so, open the BP_Character and go to the camera. There you can set it to something around 0,56.

Set Your Coala API Key for Your Maps

Check here how to set your COALA API Key.
