Wellness: PE & Health

Mindfulness, Happiness, & The Good Life

977.1 Mindfulness, Happiness, & The Good Life, Advanced College Preparatory, Grades 9-12, 2.50 Credits

Mindfulness.  Happiness.  The Good Life. The objectives of this class are to introduce students to the art and exercise of Mindfulness, the psychology of happiness,  as well as how to be  present with happiness.  This course will also give students practical tools and strategies for dealing with stress, anxiety and worry in all aspects of their lives…as well as increasing their personal self-image  and well-being.  Ultimately, students will have the tools and skills necessary to increase their focus, awareness, and performance…in and out of school.

Strength and Conditioning for All Abilities and Interests

979.1 Strength and Conditioning for All Abilities and Interests,  Advanced College Preparatory, Grades 10-12,  Quarter, 1.25 Credits

This course will allow students to expand upon skills learned in Physical Education Classes, with a specific interest in improving their fitness levels through resistance training.  Students will learn to design and develop a balanced weight training program to meet their personal fitness goals.  Students will be exposed to a variety of resistance training equipment, and learn the latest techniques and training methods.  They will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of workouts and learn how to design a comprehensive weight training program, so that they may become their own personal trainers.  Overall, student experience will be similar to having a “gym” membership for the term.

Advanced Physical Education

973.1 Advanced Physical Education, Advanced College Preparatory, Grades 11 & 12, Quarter, 1.25 credits 

This course is offered as an elective to juniors and seniors who are not scheduled for physical education.  Advanced P.E. is an ideal setting for motivated students who have enjoyed the Physical Education 1 & 2 programs.  In this class, students have the opportunity to take their skills, strategies, knowledge, and fitness to a higher level of proficiency.  Amount of time spent on each unit will be based on student interests and individual class make-up. 

Physical Education Leadership Program

981.1 Physical Education Leadership Program: (formerly known as Cadet Teaching Assistant) Advanced College Preparatory, Grades 11 & 12, Semester, 2.5 credits
Students who have demonstrated exemplary work completing their physical education requirements may apply for a cadet teaching assistant internship. Responsibilities: lead warm-ups, help with equipment set-up and take down, assist in teaching skills and activities, demonstrate leadership as a role model to younger students. A limited number of cadet teaching positions will be accepted each semester. Interested students should make an appointment with Mrs. Lavender & Mr. Bush for approval prior to signing up for this course.