Unified Discovery Club

“Training together and playing together is a quick path to friendship and understanding.” 


Emily Borden - eborden@swampscott.k12.ma.us

Student Advisor
Kelvin Anguiera-Minaya

Day and Time of meetings
Twice a month during X-block
Once a month after school

Meeting Room
Discovery Point Room - C120

The Unified Discovery Clubs aims to promote inclusion in the school. Our club plans social outings once a month like going for ice cream, playing mini golf, and going to SHS sporting events together to promote inclusion in the community. 

What does our club do?

“Special Olympics Unified Schools promote social inclusion by building friendships and understanding among young people with and without intellectual disabilities. Using sports as a motivator and springboard, Unified Schools offer a range of activities and training that equip young people with the interpersonal tools, skills, and attitudes to foster confidence and acceptance in sporting events, classrooms, and communities.” -SpecialOlympics.org