Advanced 3D Art & Design

photograph of ceramic sculpture made in a visual arts class
photograph of ceramic sculpture made in a visual arts class

814.1 Advanced 3D Art & Design
Honors, Grades 10-12, Full Year, 5.00 credits 

Advanced 3D Art and Design is a year-long honors level course that builds on the skills students acquire in 3D Studio Art and/or Ceramics. Students will continue to explore a variety of techniques in materials such as clay, wire, mixed media, etc. through a series of three-dimensional pieces with gradual increased independence. Students are expected to be self-motivated and consistently strive to develop their individual creativity, personal vision, and technical skills in preparation for developing a portfolio for college/art school admission. The course includes assessment through reflection and critique, and discussion of contemporary 3D artists: their processes and influence on the medium. Students will prepare and display artwork for a public exhibition.

Prerequisite: 3D Studio Art OR Ceramics I or outside work with the approval of teacher