Women in Stem

Club Advisor: 

Ms. Greenway - ngreenway@swampscott.k12.ma.us 

Women in Stem Student Officers: 

Tia Palmer - tpalmer23@swampscott.k12.ma.us 

Christina Antonellis - cantonellis23@swampscott.k12.ma.us 


Location - Room C307

Date & Time - 1st and 3rd Thursday after school (2:40-3:20) , 2nd and 4th Thursday during X-block (10:50-11:21) 

Women in STEM group photo

In the Women in STEM club here at Swampscott High School, we aim to provide a safe place for female and non-binary identifying people to explore their love for STEM related areas. Previously we have gone on a field trip to the Museum of Science in Boston, we plan to go on more trips like this. Such as going to the aquarium and planetarium. We also have many other things planned like having guest speakers, doing research on various topics, dissection, making mini builds, and more.  For more information feel free to contact Ms. Greenway or one of our student leaders.