
COMPARATO_PARACHOUK_Business Electives_SY24_FINAL_v1.mp4

Department Information

Ms. Comparato,

Mr. Parachojuk,

620.1 Introduction to Business, Advanced College Prep, Grades 9-10, Semester, 2.50 credits

620.1 Introduction to Business, Advanced College Prep, Grades 9-10, Semester, 2.50 credits    

In this course, students will be introduced to five key instructional areas of business (marketing, finance, business administration, hospitality and entrepreneurship). Each instructional area will be explored to highlight potential careers in business and to provide students with the background knowledge necessary to participate in future business courses at SHS and/or participate in the Swampscott chapter of DECA. Students will leave this course with a basic understanding of how businesses work, job opportunities within the various fields of business and how each instructional area contributes to each other. This course is required for all students in the Business & Finance Innovation Pathway.

630.1 Personal Financial Literacy I, Advanced College Prep, Grades 11-12, Semester, 2.50 credits

630.1 Personal Financial Literacy I, Advanced College Prep, Grades 11-12, Semester, 2.50 credits
Students will develop the skills needed to make sound financial decisions in the real world. Material will be taught through hands-on activities, simulations, class discussions, current event articles, video clips and case studies. Topics will include joining the workforce, banking, college financing, taxes, types of credit, managing credit, investing, insurance and budgeting.. A variety of assessments will be used. Students are expected to present information in front of their classmates throughout the course. This course is a graduation requirement and is required for students in their Junior or Senior years.

631.1 Money Management and Investing Skills, Advanced College Prep or Honors, Grades 11-12, Semester, 2.50 credits

631.1 Money Management and Investing Skills, Advanced College Prep or Honors, Grades 11-12, Semester, 2.50 credits     

This course is a continuation of Personal Finance I and is based on DECA financial category competencies. Students will investigate money management from a personal financial perspective. Students will apply critical-thinking skills to analyze financial options based on current and projected economic factors. Students will gain knowledge and skills necessary to establish short-term and long-term financial goals. Students will examine various methods of achieving short-term and long-term financial goals through various methods such as investing, tax planning, asset allocation, risk management, retirement planning, and estate planning. Students are expected to present information in front of their classmates throughout the course. Students opting for honors credit will be required to write a DECA paper that they can choose to use to compete or not. Prerequisite: Students must complete Personal Financial Literacy I with a C or better. This course is required for the Finance concentration in the Business & Finance Innovation Pathway.

633.1 Entrepreneurship, Advanced College Prep or Honors, Grades 10-12, Semester, 2.50 credits 

633.1 Entrepreneurship, Advanced College Prep or Honors, Grades 10-12, Semester, 2.50 credits   

This course helps students gain an understanding of the business/marketing principles necessary to start and operate a business. Students will first learn basic economic principles related to business ownership. They will identify and assess common traits and skills found in entrepreneurs, explore business opportunities, and compare the risks and rewards of owning a business. The primary focus of the course is to help students understand the process of analyzing a business opportunity, determining feasibility of an idea using research, developing a plan to organize and promote the business and its products/services, and finally, to understand the capital required, the return on investment desired, and the potential for profit. Students are expected to present information in front of their classmates throughout the course. Students opting for honors credit will be required to write a DECA paper that they can choose to use to compete or not. This course or 660.1 is required for the Marketing concentration in the Business & Finance Innovation Pathway.

634.1/634.1H College Accounting I, Advanced College Prep or Honors, Grades 10-12, Full Year, 5.0 credits

634.1/634.1H College Accounting I, Advanced College Prep or Honors, Grades 10-12, Full Year, 5.0 credits  
Accounting knowledge is essential for every type of personal and business enterprise. Students will learn to analyze, organize, and interpret financial data. They will examine the basic principles, theory, and practices of accounting for sole proprietorships and partnerships. The complete accounting cycle is taught using both automated and computerized accounting procedures. Banking, taxes, inventory and payroll are also topics of discussion. All students will complete a detailed simulation project. This course is required for the Finance concentration in the Business & Finance Innovation Pathway.

635.1 College Accounting II, Honors, Grades 10-12, Full Year, 5.0 credits

635.1 College Accounting II, Honors, Grades 10-12, Full Year, 5.0 credits

College Accounting uses an integrated approach to teach accounting.  Students first learn how businesses plan for and evaluate their operating, financing and investing decisions and then how accounting systems gather and provide data to internal and external decision makers.  This year-long course covers all the learning objectives of a traditional college level financial accounting course, plus those from a managerial accounting course. Topics include an introduction to accounting, accounting information systems, time value of money, and accounting for merchandising firms, sales and receivables, fixed assets, debt and equity. Other topics include statement of cash flows, financial ratios, cost-volume profit analysis and variance analysis.

649.1 Marketing I, Advanced College Prep, Grades 9 - 12, Semester, 2.50 credits

649.1 Marketing I, Advanced College Prep, Grades 9 - 12, Semester, 2.50 credits
Marketing I is a basic introduction to both micro and macro marketing with emphasis on terminology, business principles and application. Students may become active members of DECA, a national student organization with a focus to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of marketing concepts. Students will develop leadership skills, professional attitudes, business competency, citizenship characteristics and social growth. Students will apply economic principles to hypothetical problems. A variety of assessments will be used. Students are expected to present information in front of their classmates throughout the course. Fundraising is optional but preferred for students who become DECA members. Prerequisite: Students in Grades 9-10 must first complete Intro to Business. This course is required for the Marketing concentration in the Business & Finance Innovation Pathway.

650.1 Marketing II, Advanced College Prep, Grades 10-12, Semester, 2.50 credits

650.1 Marketing II, Advanced College Prep, Grades 10-12, Semester, 2.50 credits
This course will expand on Marketing 1 by studying additional Marketing chapters, including Promotional Concepts, Visual Merchandising, Advertising, Pricing, Product Planning, Market Research and Business Plan Development. Students will participate in a number of project based assignments. A variety of assessments will be used. Students are expected to present information in front of their classmates throughout the course. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in Marketing I. This course is required for the Marketing concentration in the Business & Finance Innovation Pathway.

653.1/654.1 Marketing III (DECA), Advanced College Prep, Semester, 2.50 credits         

653.1/654.1 Marketing III (DECA), Advanced College Prep, Semester, 2.50 credits                         
This course will overlap with Marketing II in that students will assist the Marketing II class with all DECA related activities. Additionally, students in this course will be required to write an encompassing capstone paper in order to get credit for the course or students will be required to prepare for their competition through guided vocabulary and role play practice. There will be many opportunities for group work as well as individual, independent work time. All students in Marketing III are required to register and participate in the District DECA competition in January. Prerequisite: A grade of B- or better in Marketing II.

653.1/654.1 Marketing IV (DECA), Advanced College Prep, Fall Semester, 2.50 credits

653.1/654.1 Marketing IV (DECA), Advanced College Prep, Fall Semester, 2.50 credits
This course is concurrent with Marketing II and Marketing III. Students will be present in class to assist with new concepts as they are being taught to Marketing II and Marketing III students. Students in Marketing IV will also be asked to create a minimum of two fully developed lesson plans per quarter on current marketing topics of their choice with a focus on one of the 7 core functions of marketing. First quarter plans will be done as a group while second quarter plans will be done individually. All plans will be shared and taught to the Marketing II/III students. All students in Marketing IV are required to register and participate in the District DECA competition in January. Prerequisite: A grade of B- or better in Marketing III.

651.1 Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Advanced College Prep, Grades 10 -12, Semester, 2.50 credits

651.1 Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Advanced College Prep, Grades 10 -12, Semester, 2.50 credits
This course will help students develop a thorough understanding of the marketing concepts and theories that apply to sports and sporting events. The areas this course will cover include basic marketing, target marketing and segmentation, sponsorship, event marketing, promotions, sponsorship proposals, and implementation of sports marketing plans. This course will also delve into promotion plans, sponsorship proposals, sports marketing plans, and event evaluation and management techniques. Students taking sports marketing should have the opportunity to participate in DECA (student marketing leadership organization). DECA related activities and curriculum can be used as an approved part of all marketing classes. Practical applications of learning will be demonstrated by managing a line of sports and entertainment items in the school store. A variety of assessments will be used. Students are expected to present information in front of their classmates throughout the course. 

660.1 Hospitality and Tourism, Advanced College Prep, Grades 10-12, Semester, 2.50 credits

660.1 Hospitality and Tourism, Advanced College Prep, Grades 10-12, Semester, 2.50 credits

The Hospitality and Tourism class will explore the world of service industries in business. We will particularly focus on major service areas such as hotel management and booking travel itineraries for clients as a service. Additionally, we will explore proper methodology for customer service to meet the needs of today’s consumers. Finally, students will learn to use current technologies to offer the best experiences to patrons and clients. Students taking this course will have the opportunity to participate in DECA as an option (not mandatory) and will be prepared to apply the knowledge learned in this course towards a number of specific DECA competition categories. This course or 633.1 is required for the Marketing concentration in the Business & Finance Innovation Pathway.

669.1 Learning Economics Through Games Advanced College Prep, Grades 10-12 , Semester, 2.50 credits

669.1 Learning Economics Through Games Advanced College Prep, Grades 10-12 , Semester, 2.50 credits
This unique class is open to all students from all backgrounds as we go beyond the graphs and scary stuff of "economics" in order to make the principles accessible to everyone. We use games and experiential learning to dive into these principles.  Students will discover the hidden costs of everything, the power of free trade, the principles of competition and supply and demand. At the same time, we will challenge our models with a close examination of the political realities behind the models.  We will cover both key principles in microeconomics (supply/demand, decision making among firms, externalities, opportunity costs, marginal utility), as well as knowledge of how the macroeconomy works (unemployment, Gross Domestic Product, inflation) -- especially the Federal Reserve and our nation's banking system.  In this course, students will have an opportunity to explore some of the financial instruments and decision making they will use in life after high school.  This class is a great introduction for students who think they want to take economics in college but who do not feel ready to embark on the full year of AP economics.

670.1  Advanced Placement Economics, Grade 11-12, Full Year, 5.00 Credits

670.1  Advanced Placement Economics, Grade 11-12, Full Year, 5.00 Credits

This is an intense college level course in Economics designed to prepare students to take the Advanced Placement test in May.  This course will only cover Macroeconomics in 2024-2025. Students cultivate their understanding of the principles that apply to an economic system as a whole by using principles and models to describe economic situations and predict and explain outcomes with graphs, charts, and data as they explore concepts like economic measurements, markets and macroeconomic models, and macroeconomic policies. AP Microeconomics (not offered in 24-25) is a college-level course that introduces students to the principles of economics that apply to the functions of individual economic decision-makers. The course also develops students’ familiarity with the operation of product and factor markets, distributions of income, market failure, and the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy. Students learn to use graphs, charts, and data to analyze, describe, and explain economic concepts. The curriculum is guided by the College Board® standards for advanced placement.  Students are required to take the AP Exam at the end of the course. 

Prerequisites: Completion of Honors Algebra II with a B or higher or completion of ACP Algebra II with a B or higher and math teacher recommendation.

600.1 Business Independent Study (School Store), Advanced College Preparatory, Grade 10-12, Semester or Full Year, 2.5/5.0 Credits

600.1 Business Independent Study (School Store), Advanced College Preparatory, Grade 10-12, Semester or Full Year, 2.5/5.0 Credits

Students will be expected to run and manage the school store during their assigned class period. This includes getting the key and lockbox at the start of the period from the teacher and returning those items at the end of the period. There is an optional opportunity to compete in SBE for DECA for any students who wish to participate in that.