2D Studio Art

800.1 2D Studio Art I: Introduction to Art, Grades 9-12, Semester, 2.50 Credits

800.1 2D Studio Art I: Introduction to Art, College Prep, Grades 9-12, Semester, 2.50 Credits 

Studio Art I is an introductory art course that welcomes students who would like to gain knowledge and skills in the visual arts through a variety of 2-D projects. Coursework explores the foundations of art making, theory, and history. Projects are designed to allow experimenting with a variety of art materials and projects. Students will study the elements of art: line, shape, value, texture, color, form, and space, and include discussions of art, culture, and connections to art history. Students will prepare and display artwork for a public exhibition. Assessment is through oral critique and a scoring rubric. 

810.1 2D Studio Art II: Intermediate Drawing and Painting, Advanced College Prep, Grade l0-12, Full Year, 5.00 Credits 

810.1 2D Studio Art II: Intermediate Drawing and Painting, Advanced College Prep, Grade l0-12, Full Year, 5.00 Credits 

2D Studio Art II further explores the foundational concepts introduced in 2D Studio Art I, with a heightened focus on compositional elements, drawing, and observation. Students will apply the elements and principles of art while utilizing a variety of 2-D mediums including graphite, watercolor, acrylic, colored pencil, and ink to solve art problems designed and presented by the instructor. Students will prepare and display artwork for a public exhibition. A series of inspired themes and a finished portfolio are expressed through student presentation and critique. Prerequisite: 2D Studio Art I 

805.1 2D Studio Art III: Composition and Design, Honors, Grade 11-12, Full Year, 5.00 Credits 

805.1 2D Studio Art III: Composition and Design, Honors, Grade 11-12, Full Year, 5.00 Credits 

2D Studio Art III students review drawing, painting techniques and apply their skills using a variety of mediums to solve an array of art problems concerning composition, design, and color. Students will continue to develop self-expression, self-direction, and technical ability in preparation of a portfolio for college or art school admission. A series of inspired themes and the finished portfolio are assessed through individual presentation and critique. Topics are designed to follow a sequential art curriculum. Students will prepare and display artwork for a public exhibition. Assessment is based on exhibition and scoring rubrics. Prerequisite: 2 or more of the following classes: Studio I and Studio II, Mixed Media,  Printmaking, Ceramics I