Quiz Show


 Mr. Reid & Mr. King

Day and time of meetings:

Mondays and Thursdays 2:45 to 4:00

Meeting location: 


Description -  

The SHS Quiz Bowl forms in early fall to practice for Super Sunday when we travel down to WGBH TV and compete against dozens of other schools throughout Massachusetts in testing our knowledge.  If we do well enough, we go on to the televised rounds in January and February.  It's also a fun way for students to test and add to their knowledge in many categories, from math to science to civics to the arts to current events and more.

The club and our fun practices are open to anyone, but since WGBH limits the actual competition to six students, this year the students going down to WGBH in November will be:

Anna Metaxatos ametaxatos25@swampscott.k12.ma.us 

Jad Oubala


Brandon Rouleau-Strong


Owen Begin


Jocelyn Spickard


Clark Hubeny 


this photo has a group of students conversing with one another
this is a photo of some of the students holding a "quizbowl club" poster
This is a photo of posters in the quiz show room
here is a photo of the quiz show room