Welcome to Year 5

Indigo class: Miss Aston 

Violet class: Mrs Hathaway and  Mrs Bicheno

World Book Day

What a fantastic day!

Year 5 did us proud with the variety of masks they made, costumes they wore and books they chose to share.

What wonderful masks!

You can really tell which books are popular!

The Cat In The Hat, Harry Potter, The Wizard of Oz (and Wicked), as well as Where's Wally?

Which was your favourite character?

Not just a mask but also many other characters from The Bad Guys.

Aragog's legs even moved on this scarily realistic mask!

Dogman from Year 5 meet Dogman from Year 2

A perfect day to sit in the sunshine and share books.  It was wonderful to see the children from Violet, Indigo, Saffron and Yellow class really enjoying being together and talking about books.

Wow - we were so blown away with your impressive homework pieces this week! What creative ideas you had to make better use of old and recyclable materials! Thank you for your hard work.


Buddy bootcamp

On a cold February morning, Year 5 were outside completing a hardcore bootcamp session! This session taught us the importance of teamwork and communication and also tested us physically. Although cold and muddy, we still had smiles on our faces and thoroughly enjoyed the session. 

As teachers, it was lovely to see children push themselves and show such great team work skills. Well done Year 5!

January - Violet and Indigo Class Assembly

Violet and Indigo class did such a good job presenting all the wonderful things we have learnt so far in our class assembly. We enjoyed sharing all our hard work with parents and the rest of the school. Well done year 5! 


We have begun to explore decimals in maths. To help us understand these, we used concrete resources and place value charts. Physical resources help to build a more secure base understanding ready to progress onto more abstract thinking. BBC bitesize is a great tool to help support learning at home. 

Reading is a key part of learning and through a range of texts, we hope children become immersed and enjoy reading for pleasure. 

Here is a list of recommended reads for Year 5 to help inspire and excite children. 


We have certainly had a very busy term enjoying our topics - The Vikings, South America and forces. A year group favourite has most definitely been our English novel, There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom, by Louis Sachar. As this term draws to a close, we head towards the business of Christmas! The Christmas production (Santa's on Strike) was brilliant and it was so amazing to see lots of year 5s auditioning for speaking parts. We've eaten a delicious Christmas dinner and have worn some fabulous Christmas jumpers and now I think we are in a festive spirit! Enjoy the time off, year 5. Thank you for the generous gifts and the lovely term so far. We wish you all a Merry Christmas!

November - friendship day

In year 5, during friendship week, we discussed what qualities a good friend had. Each child was randomly allocated another child in the class and they created an acrostic poem with their names, filled with qualities they have or show. Year 5 really took pride and care with these for the peers within their class.

November - winter art morning

Once our backgrounds had dried, we created a tile for our print, using cardboard. We drew different trees and printed these in the foreground to create our wintery scene. 

For winter art morning this year, our focus was printing. We created a swirly background using paint. To create this effect, we mixed cool colours to create different shades and used sweeping and swirling motions with our paintbrushes.

October - forces in science

To explore water resistance in science, we designed and constructed boats out of tin foil. We found the streamlined shapes worked the best.

We have also explored out how friction works by creating ziplines and testing how much force it takes to pull shoes across different surfaces.

We have also been learning about gravity. We used scales to measure mass in grams and force meters to measure weight in Newtons. 

September - The Globe Theatre

On Wednesday 25th September, Year 5 had a wonderful school trip to The Globe Theatre in London. We had a tour of The Globe and learnt about the structure of the building. Thankfully, we were able to sit (unlike others who may have needed to stand to watch a performance).

Following our tour, we then had a drama workshop. We re-enacted key parts of the play to help build our understanding of the story. We definitely have some budding actors and actresses within our cohort!

Can you guess which characters we might be playing?

We managed to dodge the rain as we journeyed through our picturesque capital, London.

Welcome to Year 5. We've had a brilliant first few weeks back and are very excited for our upcoming trip to the Globe Theatre. We've got stuck into our new topics: Macbeth, forces, South America and the Vikings. At the top of the page are links to useful pages to support at home; some of these were given as handouts during our 'Meet the Teacher' session. On this page, you will see updates about what we are learning in class so do come back and see what we've been up to!

Miss Aston, Mrs Bicheno and Mrs Hathaway