Welcome to Year 5

Indigo and Violet

Mrs Mussenden, Mrs Hathaway and Mrs Sykes

Key dates:

After half-term PE is on Monday and Thursday

Wednesday 12th June - Bank of England and St Paul's Cathedral

Mon 10th June – PTA Father’s Day present selling

Thurs 13th June – Class photos

Fri 14th June – PTA Go Bonkers event

Mon 17th June - Sports Day (Reserve date – 4th July)

Wed 3rd July - Open Evening

Fri 5th July – PTA disco (6.30-8.00pm)

Tues 9th July — KS2 Summer Safety assembly

Mon 15th July – Reports to parents (Subject to change)

Fri 19th July - Last day of the summer term

June 2024

As part of our geography field studies, we conducted a traffic survey on Greens Farm Lane.  Using a line of enquiry, some of us investigated the most popular mode of transport, while others explored the most popular colour of car and the most popular Make of vehicle.  An enquiry question refers to a question that guides the investigation and exploration during fieldwork activities. These questions help us to explore geographical concepts and develop our understanding. 

June 2024

On Wednesday 12th June, we were fortunate with the weather, as year 5 ventured to London.  

In the morning, we visited The Bank of England Museum as part of our PSHE unit on economic well-being.  The children had a picture hunt to solve and learnt about the history of the bank; the roles of women; forgery; trading and how people have shaped the Bank of England over the centuries.  We found out how the bank work to keep prices stable (the cost of things like food, televisions and train tickets). Some children tried to keep inflation at 2%; the adults didn’t like it when it rolled to 10%!  

The children also used their brute strength to pick up a real gold ingot, which weighed 13kg!  

In the afternoon, we explored St.Paul’s Cathedral and The architect Sir Christopher Wren.  After a poignant moment of reflection, we laid on the floor to explore the decorative dome ceiling.  Most of us climbed up to the magnificent whispering gallery and then up to the golden gallery, which was 528 steps, to see the amazing views of London from the top of the dome.  

April 2024

In computing, we have been learning how and why data is collected in space, researching the Mars Rover.  We have been reading, calculating and adding binary numbers, as well as creating out own secret messages using the ASCII conversion chart.

April 2024

In PSHE, we learnt how to remain calm in an emergency. 

We also practised our first aid skills so that we know what to do in an emergency. 

March 2024

As part of our science topic, year 5 had an astrodome visiting our school.   We learnt about the movement of the planets and the moon and saw amazing real imagery from the Hubble Space Telescope!  We explored the history of the geocentric and heliocentric models.  We were amazed that in the near future, there will be further moon exploration, with NASA planning to put the first woman on the moon.  We were intrigued by a simulation of a future lunar base near the south pole, where people could work and live on the moon.  We also had the chance to ask the astronomy expert questions! He was really impressed with our questioning.


Indigo and Amber classes enjoyed reading to each other.

Violet and Saffron classes enjoyed sharing their books.

Math's Enrichment Day March 2024

Year 5 enjoyed creating balanced hanging structures.  We added 2, 3 and 4 objects to the hanging sculpture, choosing to add another layer. What happens when we move the centre of gravity?

These homework projects were amazing!

Untitled presentation (1).pptx
Evie and Riley.pptx
debbie and scarlett.pptx
Sk Sp TS LM.pptx

Multicultural Week  

February 2024

In year 5, we have had a fun week, learning about the continent of Antarctica.   

In science, we conducted a range of experiments including one where we investigated how animals have adapted to their environment by using blubber to keep themselves insulated.  We were only able to keep our hands in ice-cold water for 2 minutes; however, when our hands were covered in fat, we were able to keep them under water for longer than 10 minutes.  

In PE, we used contemporary dance to become explorers.


In computing, we carried out our own research and made powerpoints about the climate, explorers and animals found there.  Did you know that polar bears aren’t found in the Antarctic?   

Antarctic Facts.pptx

In art, we created an Antarctic landscape using pastels, in the style of Ted Harrison.

Harrison and Austin.pptx
josn and ronnie.pptx
Untitled presentation.pptx
NS TK FW TD.pptx

February 2024

In design and technology, we designed our own biscuits with a specific theme.  Some examples included Easter, Valentine's, football and Winter. 

February 2024

We have been looking at global issues and thinking about the environment.  As well as looking at a range of material and their properties in Science.  For homework, we got creative to make something (either 2D or 3D) out of recyclable materials. 

Some of us made rainforest landscapes which were linked to our topic in geography.

We got creative with our bird feeders.

Lots of creative ideas!

A selection of our creative animals.

What do you think of our bug hotels?

Bobby worked with his dad to produce this bird house.

January 2024

Year 5 loved their buddy Bootcamp. The heavy rain all week made the field extra muddy as they completed different exercises.  They demonstrated great teamwork as they carried tyres across the field through the mud, and ran around in teams whilst carrying a heavy rope.  If someone wasn't listening the the correct instructions, the whole class had  to get into a plank position, which encouraged everyone in the class to listen and be a good team player.  Eric, Riley and Ronnie came in covered in mud, with smiles on their faces; they all said how much fun it was and asked if they  could do it again. 

December 2023

Christmas Jumper Day - raising money for Save the Children

On Monday 27th November, Year 5 came to school dressed-up as raiders and settlers as they took part in an immersive Viking day!  

We took part in a game, similar to draughts, which involved tactical thinking and strategic planning for the geese to catch the fox! 

We spent the morning learning about what life would have been like as a Viking and were able to hold ancient artefacts, including kitchen utensils made from wood and animal horns. 

We translated old English words and phrases into modern day English. Although some were difficult, some words and phrases were easier to deduce as we use similar words now a days. 

We excitedly watched the pure strength and brutality of Viking weapons, as we witnessed a melon being smashed to pieces.

November 2023

For our winter art morning, year 5 created a sunset or sunrise using watercolours in the background.  In the foreground, we experimented painting different alpine trees.  Finally, we used a splatter technique for a snow effect. 

November 2023

In gymnastics, we have been putting together sequences, which include jumps, rolls and balances.  We worked with a partner to produce some counter balances.

November 2023

Don't forget our Viking Dress-up Day on Monday 23rd November 2023!

The children have enjoyed our class text this half-term (The Boy in the Girl's Bathroom).  They have written an informal letter and a diary recount in preparation for their transformation stories.  In maths, they are continuing to learn about fractions and although some of them have found it challenging, they are demonstrating a growth mind-set.  In science, they are continuing to learn about forces and have recently investigated different suitable materials for a zipline.  In geography, they have been comparing Brazil to the UK.  Why don't you ask them about it?

Kind regards

Mrs Mussenden, Mrs Hathaway and Mrs Sykes

October 2023

In PSHE, we worked in groups to create the tallest tower.  We learnt to listen to each other and share ideas to solve conflict.

October 2023

As scientists, we have been investigating the science behind the different types of forces around us, including: air resistance, gravity and friction. We carried out a range of experiments, developing our investigative skills.

We investigated which spinner worked best.  Some of us changed the size whilst others changed the mass.

We looked at the effects of wearing a parachute whilst running.   What do you  think it did to the runner?

We investigated streamlined shapes to make the best boats.

We investigated the relationship between mass and weight.

We investigated the effects of air resistance on parachutes.   Some groups changed the size, others changed the material and some changed the length of string.  

We investigated which paper planes would travel the furthest.

October 2023

The children are continuing to work hard.  In English, they have written their own scenes from Macbeth.  In maths, they are learning about multiples and factors.  In PE, they are playing tag rugby and dancing to the samba.  Just a reminder that earrings must be taken out for PE days.  Next half-term, our PE days will be Monday and Tuesday.  

We look forward to seeing you at Parent's Evening on Tuesday 17th October and Thursday 19th October - you can book your appointment online.  

Please note that our Viking dress-up day had to be changed to Monday 27th November.

Kind regards

Mrs Mussenden, Mrs Sykes and Mrs Hathaway

September 2023

As mathematicians, we have been developing our place value skills up to one million. 

September 2023

Welcome back to the start of a new school year! The children have settled in well to upper school and are working hard.  They are already beginning to demonstrate good independence skills and determination.  In English, they have been enjoying writing their own witches spell based on the one in MacBeth. In maths, they are developing their place value knowledge, exploring numbers up to 1,000,000. In science, our topic is forces and our history topic is the Vikings.

If you were unable to attend the ''Meet the Teacher' meeting, you can click on the link above to keep updated.  Keep checking this page regularly to see some of the wonderful work that your children are doing.  

Don't forget P.E. this half-term is every Monday and Thursday.  

Kind regards

Mrs Mussenden, Mrs Sykes and Mrs Hathaway